Nectar Desk Reports

Nectar Desk Reports

Nowadays, the majority of companies worldwide appreciate their time and use to take everything under control. They monitor the workflow of the whole company and their staff, create reports, optimize the analytics and pay attention to customer experience as the … Continued
SMS Notes

SMS Notes

Simplify your workflow – add internal notes to the required SMS conversation so your colleagues could see your comments. How you may leave a note If you used to communicate with your clients with the help of text messages, SMS … Continued
Local Presence

Local Presence

Local Presence dialing is the Nectar Desk option which automatically chooses the Outbound ID from the numbers you have in your account so that it could match the area code of your clients’ home town or state.The feature is highly … Continued
Messaging Campaigns

Messaging Campaigns

Nectar Desk offers an automated text-messaging solution, which assists you to manage two-way business interactions with your customers. With the aid of our Messaging Campaigns, you can text hundreds of clients worldwide within a few minutes. How to initiate the … Continued
Automated Call Campaigns

Automated Call Campaigns

Automated Call Campaigns have long been a popular lead generation tactic, primarily because they create their own content that in turn can be used for inbound marketing,  lead generation and can help you handle more calls without the live agents … Continued


Need to call back the client in a few days, send him a text message or email later on, but are afraid you’ll forget to do this in time? It’s no longer a problem as we have a new feature called Activities. … Continued


Add Custom Field – thanks to this option, except for the basic fields in Contact List, such as first and last name, phone number, and email address, the agent can create some additional fields prior to uploading the list to … Continued
Zoiper 5 for Nectar PBX

Zoiper 5 for Nectar PBX

Please download and install the software from the link provided.   Please use appropriate version for your computer – Select proper version version. ( 32bit or 64bit ).    Once the application is installed , launch the application. 1.You will receive … Continued
Setting Up Nectar Desk for Polycom Devices

Setting Up Nectar Desk for Polycom Devices

! Please be advised that Nectar Desk‘s functionality outside of Chrome browser is limited. Functions like cold and warm transfers, dispositions and others will not be available.   Step 1. Please locate your SIP credentials under Settings – Agents – … Continued
Sending links over SMS

Sending links over SMS

The entire text you send out doesn’t go through?   Carriers don’t allow to send links. That’s why we created shorten URL option.   If you have Nectar Desk Click to Call Extension installed, all numbers in your Active Campaign account … Continued
Softphone for Nectar PBX

Softphone for Nectar PBX

This is an article for Nectar PBX users who would like to have it on IOS or Android device   Download the App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Search “GrandStream Wave”   Launch App on your … Continued
Voicemail Drop

Voicemail Drop

Voicemail Drop feature allows you to leave pre-recorded message every time you hit voicemail box   General Overview of the feature   How to set it up: Navigate to Settings –>> Recordings and Upload voicemails for each of your agents. … Continued
How to set up Zingtree Integration

How to set up Zingtree Integration

In this article we will provide step-by-step guide on How to set up Zingtree Scripts and Decision trees to pop up within Nectar Desk‘s screen Pop.  If you are interested to learn more about this integration please refer to video … Continued
Messaging Dispositions

Messaging Dispositions

Messaging Dispositions are very useful for Nectar Desk clients who are actively using our 2-way Business Text Messaging / Messaging Feature. This function allows agents to tick the results of their conversations with clients. How to configure Messaging Dispositions? Go … Continued
Nectar Desk API

Nectar Desk API

Our system offers its own RESTful API that allows for integration with external platforms. The REST APIs provides access to resources (data entities) via URL paths. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse … Continued
Adding Additional Phone Numbers

Adding Additional Phone Numbers

Administrators are able to purchase additional phone numbers for their business.  If you’re targeting a certain geographical area you can purchase a local number for that region or if you have a limited time campaign you can purchase a custom number … Continued


The REST API is authenticated using an API key, you can find your unique secure api key under the “API Page” in the Settings menu in your Our system Account. Authentication: <> Example: “X-API-KEY” : “skge2EREa9a345@ee!a85”
Making a Call

Making a Call

Browser ( Chrome Browser ) Chrome usually updates in the background but can cause a lot of unexpected issues in our system if it fails to do so. Please always make sure that you have it updated to the latest … Continued
Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration

Zapier is a platform that allows for integration with hundreds of app at once including, Salesforce, Shopify, Active Campaign and much much more. Zapier acts as a middleman, allowing for integration with multiple platforms without the need for a direct … Continued


The ‘Voicemails’ section is where you can see and access the list of all recent voicemails that your company or team has received, in chronological order. Or Sorted by date Range.   Typically, the admin can see all the Voicemails … Continued
Voicemail Recordings

Voicemail Recordings

All voicemails are stored securely in MP3 format on the Microsoft Azure cloud. Under the Actions button: there are Call contact, Send SMS and Send Email buttons directly, so if you’d like to take an action right after checking the … Continued
Call History Filter

Call History Filter

Call History displays all the information about calls : Call-ID (sequential number of all the calls listed) Type of the call (outbound, inbound) Contact (DID of the person you called\received call from) VIA (Number on which call was received or … Continued