Call Center Dashboards – the best way to monitor your company’s workflow

         Custom Call Center Dashboards – the best way to monitor your company’s workflow   It is an open secret that nowadays, the majority of companies worldwide appreciate their time and use to take everything under control. They monitor the workflow of the whole company and their staff, create reports, optimize the…


Nectar Desk Integration with Stripo

Nowadays, emails are a fast and convenient method of communication. In an office environment moving through the communication process should reduce the time it takes to communicate as compared to other forms of communication and increase productivity because it reduces the time that would normally be spent in face-to-face meetings or telephone calls. That’s the…


Benefits of SMS for Business Communications

Benefits of SMS for Business Communications The hesitation around using SMS for important business communications has well and truly been lifted, the flood gates to better business communication have opened. Banks, Hospitals and even Governments are now all using SMS to communicate. Last year the US Government used SMS to test its Emergency Alert System,…


Call Whisper and Barge in

Call Whisper and Barge in Call center managers often share a common desire to coach their call team members to guide them in their conversations with prospects or customers. It’s an open secret that it’s not practical to hover over each call agent’s shoulder and instruct them on what to say. To make the training…

Hiring Remote Sales Team

Hiring Remote Sales Team

Hiring Remote Sales Team Nowadays the world of business is constantly changing. Technologies become more advanced, world-changing events influence many spheres of business. Let’s remember, for example, the quarantine period when the majority of companies have adopted the concept of a fully or mostly remote environment and managing remote teams. That was overall the new…
