Nectar Desk release

Release 4.2.0

Nectar Desk Support Release 4.2.0 Introducing Release 4.2.0! This update brings exciting improvements and options to Nectar Desk. Nectar Desk is excited to announce the new Release 3.9.0! We’ve added great new features. Additionally, there are significant improvements to existing features to provide better functionality and usability across the platform. Nectar Desk always strives to…


Ringless Voicemail Drops: Legal or Not?

Ringless Voicemail Drops: Legal or Not? Ringless voicemail drops have increasingly become popular with collection agencies and telemarketers in the last couple of years. It generates mixed reactions from people as there are people who see it as an invasion of their privacy, while others have no problem with the technology. But, What Exactly Is…

Top 10 Ringless Voicemail Providers

Top 10 Ringless Voicemail Providers

Top 10 RinglessVoicemail Providers Businessmen are always looking for ways to improve communication with their customers. Today, the best way of seamless communication is ringless voicemail. Instead of making constant calls, you can leave a voicemail. Thus, agents don’t have to wait a long time for a response. Therefore, we’re going to talk about the…


Release 3.9.0

Nectar Desk Support Release 3.9.0 Introducing Release 3.9.0! This update brings exciting enhancements and features to Nectar Desk. At Nectar Desk, your satisfaction and comfort are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that simplicity and optimization of use are vital nowadays. Your feedback has been the main part of creating updates. Therefore,…


Boosting Remote Sales Teams with Cloud Phone Systems

Call Center Productivity Boosting Remote Sales Teams with Cloud Phone Systems In the contemporary business landscape, the concept of remote work has gained unprecedented momentum. This shift has been particularly transformative in the realm of sales, a field traditionally reliant on in-person interactions and office-centric strategies. Remote sales teams, while benefiting from the flexibility and…
