Call Center Agents

Call Center Dashboards – the best way to monitor your company’s workflow

Custom Call Center Dashboards – the best way to monitor your company’s workflow   It is an open secret that nowadays, the majority of companies worldwide appreciate their time and use to take everything under control. They monitor the workflow of the whole company and their staff, create reports, optimize the analytics and pay attention…

Benefits of Using Call Disposition Codes in the Call Center

Benefits of Using Call Disposition Codes in the Call Center It’s an open secret that nowadays every Call Center requires a reliable call solution to keep in touch with its clients worldwide. The modern market presents many variants with various user-friendly features: calling campaigns, auto-answer, call back functionality, analytics and call monitoring features, and many…

crm call center solution

Optimizing Phone System Settings for Happier & Productive Agents

Optimizing Phone System Settings for Happier & Productive Agents In the beginning, everything runs ostensibly smooth and then, suddenly, murmurs from agents and complaints from customers come thick and fast. At such scenarios, most managers are good at pointing fingers without spending time scrutinizing the underlying issue. More often than not, we tend to shift…