
Release 3.9.0

Nectar Desk Support Release 3.9.0 Introducing Release 3.9.0! This update brings exciting enhancements and features to Nectar Desk. At Nectar Desk, your satisfaction and comfort are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that simplicity and optimization of use are vital nowadays. Your feedback has been the main part of creating updates. Therefore,…

Boosting Remote Sales Teams with Cloud Phone Systems

Call Center Productivity Boosting Remote Sales Teams with Cloud Phone Systems In the contemporary business landscape, the concept of remote work has gained unprecedented momentum. This shift has been particularly transformative in the realm of sales, a field traditionally reliant on in-person interactions and office-centric strategies. Remote sales teams, while benefiting from the flexibility and…

Top 10 Recruitment Agencies in Ottawa

Top 10 Recruitment Agencies in Ottawa

Nectar Desk Support Top 10 Recruitment Agencies in Ottawa “Recruitment agencies are the bridge that connects talent with opportunity, and businesses with the best-fit candidates” Recruiting is an integral part of working performance and business development. The main task is to find the best candidate for the appropriate position. But this process requires a lot…

angry customers

How to Deal with Angry Customers: 9 Efficient Tips

How to Deal with Angry Customers: 9 Efficient Tips In any business, angry customers are an integral part of providing service. So, it is important to solve their concerns promptly and effectively to maintain positive relationships. Of course, it takes time and effort, but ignoring and misunderstanding can have a negative impact on your reputation…

Release 3.3,3

Release 3.3.3

Release 3.3.3 (08.09.2021) Hey guys! We’ve prepared for you many useful updates to make your Nectar Desk usage as pleasant and convenient as possible. In Release 3.3.3 you’ll get to know about the last enhancements in Messaging, Reporting, and the following options: New Complete Conversation Logic; Assigning Contact for Live Chat; Displaying Previous Conversations for…

Release 3.2.2

Release 3.2.2 (03.06.2021) Today is the perfect day to present to you the updates and fixes we’ve been working on for the last month from Release 3.2.2. Bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised to know more about: Access To The Form History With Teams Feature Enabled Multiple Agent’s Default Outbound Caller ID Agents Dispositions Report: The…